Rock Climbing


Exercising and doing sport activities outdoors can make you happier by boosting your mental health, improving your self-esteem and thus leading to a better physical quality of life. But, have you ever wondered about the impact of outdoor sports and activities to the environment? Could we redesign existing sport activities in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way?

The project "Green Sport and Outdoor Activities for Environmental Awareness and Lifestyle" aims at providing answers to these questions by developing a Booklet of Good Practices on Green Sport and Outdoor Activities and addressing the following objectives:

  • To share and exchange good practices on the impact of green sports and outdoor activities to the links between encouraging a healthy and inclusive lifestyle and working for a healthy environment; as well as spread it in the youth work field and other sectors;

  • To enable youth workers, organizations and young people, to develop a limited set of measures, actions and initiatives associated with green practice sports and outdoor activities;

  • To increase the sense of belonging and the sense of community for the youngsters in their local community through their direct and

  • To increase the sense of belonging and the sense of community for the youngsters in their local community through their direct and active participation obtained through the practice of green sports and outdoor activities;

  • To raise awareness on the environmental issues by bringing the Green Deal close to youngsters and give them the right tools to take action;

  • To contribute towards building empowered and committed communities to increase the processes of youth participation and empower them for the environmental challenges that in today’s EU regions are facing;

  • To create a network of organizations in Europe that plan and implement future projects with the E+ program in order to generate further opportunities for young Europeans and their local communities.
Fog Under Forest


A green or sustainable sport or environmentally friendly sport or outdoor activity, seeks to reduce the sport's ecological footprint on the environment. In defining a green sport, it is critical to consider a set of parameters such as: energy and emissions, waste management, materials and equipment needed to practice the sport, transport and travel.


We're excited to share the results of our latest project, which included a research study on the state of art of green sports and outdoor activities in Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, and Romania.

Additionally, we have produced a booklet of good practices highlighting the impact of green sports and outdoor activities.

Finally, we conducted pilot activities in each country to raise awareness about green and sustainable outdoor activities and sports.

We hope that these efforts will encourage individuals and organizations to adopt more environmentally-friendly practices in their sports and outdoor activities.


This research represents the tool and the initial base for the creation of the content of the Booklet of good practices on green sport and outdoor.

It represents one of the preliminary steps of the project and it is run by the Consortium of the partners to get in contact with the meaning of green sport activities in the countries involved in the project.

The aim of this research, in fact, is to understand how these concepts are interpreted in different countries, to explore and compare.

The target group involved, and main actors involved in the research are youth workers, youth organizations, youth leaders, youth centers, youth educators in the field of sport and in general. Not by chance, the output is dedicated to those working with young people in specific structures (like youth centers, sportive organizations, youth clubs, recreation centers, youth hubs, NGOs, scout organizations etc.).

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dissemination events (i.e. practical sessions on sport and outdoor activities, seminars, workshops, training sessions)



young people, youth workers and sport professionals participated in the dissemination events



individuals have received or become aware of the Booklet on Greek Sports through social media posts, dissemination events and emails

Person on Watercraft Near Waterfall

good practices

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Person Holding Black and Green Tennis Racket
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